The Drummer

The annual Deck the Halls celebration in Buffalo was full of smiles and the holiday spirit. The event brought people together to enjoy festive activities at Sturges Park on Saturday, December 3, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The event is hosted each year by the Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce. At this...
The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will be making its annual stop not only in Buffalo, but also in Annandale and Loretto, on Wednesday, December 14. This is the 24th year that the CP Holiday train will be supporting food banks and food shelves across their network. After stopping in Loretto at 4:15...
On Monday, December 5, the Buffalo City Council discussed a new community splash pad in memory of Andrew Haggenmiller that would be located at West Pulaski Park. Lee Ryan of the Parks Department spoke about the matter. “The Park Board is supportive of the project,” Ryan stated. “I sat down with the...
The Buffalo Community Orchestra will perform their annual holiday concert on Sunday, December 11.  The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Buffalo High School and will feature the wRight Ringers Community Handbell Ensemble, led by Jill Starr and Sherilyn Burgdorf, as...
Buffalo Community Theater will be holding auditions on Friday, December 16, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., and Saturday, December 17, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for their next production of “Willy Wonka Jr.” Both tryouts are at Discovery Elementary School and open to students in 3rd-8th grades....
Experience the meaning of Christmas come to life at the annual Living Nativity at Buffalo Covenant Church on Saturday, Dec. 17, and Sunday, Dec. 18, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The event is inside and outside this year with the same cast, characters and animals. The Living Nativity is an interactive,...
Once again, the Dean Lake Improvement Association would like to advise that it may be operating an aeration system on Dean Lake in Wright County. The aeration system will be used to maintain fish populations. Signs will be posted at the public access and surrounding the aeration site when the...


I can imagine there’s a lot of people out there who read my column and think I’m some variety of nuts. And I’m ok with that. I love cashews and almonds! As the holiday season comes around to salute...
Each year, I participate in at least one, but usually two, Christmas Bird Counts. What is a Christmas Bird Count you say? Well the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) all started a long time ago, in a galaxy...
Being a film enthusiast always comes with that one, inevitable question that I, personally, always hate answering. It comes from someone of every avenue in the business of enjoyment: the genuinely...
As you’re thinking, planning and creating for the special holiday gatherings for your family and friends, I find it’s best to make lists. What day you’re going to do what, maybe, your least favorite...
Christmastime is here, and that calls for some musical celebration! The Buffalo Community Orchestra, along with the Wright County Chamber Chorus and wRight Ringers Community Handbell Ensamble will...
On December 15 and 16, see the Christmas story come to life at Buffalo Covenant Church! From 5 to 7 p.m. on both days, there will be a Living Nativity present to take you on an interactive, walk-...
It’s the 20th year of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Holiday Train coming to Buffalo on Wednesday, December 12. This year, the train will be stopping at a different location: 5th street, NE (CR...
The Buffalo City Council on Monday, December 3, held its annual Truth-in-Taxation public hearing. The hearing is for the presentation of how much tax money will be collected and how that money will...
Why not shop for the holidays from the comfort of your own home this year? For the seventh year in a row, the Wright County Historical Society presents their annual Online Auction at www....
Last Saturday morning, December 1, fire destroyed an attached garage and all of its contents in Montrose. According to Montrose Fire Chief Kevin Triplett, the Montrose Fire Department was called at...


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Buffalo MN 55313

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