Minnesota Fun in the great outdoors!
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               PO Box 159
               Buffalo MN 55313
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Outdoor Adventures

Northern pike are being taken in 16 to 20 feet with crankbaits at Clearwater Lake, Lake Sylvia, Granite Lake, and Maple Lake. Largemouth bass are being caught along the weed lines with plastics on most lakes and a few walleyes are coming off Big Swan Lake, Clearwater, and Sugar Lake in 18 to 26...
Walleye reports have been limited to a few fish during low-light periods on Clearwater Lake and Buffalo Lake in 14 to 18 feet. The 12- to 16-foot weedlines on Maple Lake, Sugar Lake, Lake Sylvia, and Clearwater continue to produce panfish and largemouth bass. Some bass are being caught in the slop...
Spinners and leeches are producing a few walleyes early and late each day in 14 to 20 feet at Clearwater Lake, Buffalo Lake, and Cokato Lake. Look for sunfish during the day and crappies each evening on the 12 to 16 foot weed edges of Clearwater, Maple Lake, Sylvia Lake, Indian Lake, and John Lake...
Farmers markets benefit consumers shopping for fresh produce, as well as the community. Here are seven reasons to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at a farmers market:  1. Freshly picked fruits and vegetables taste better. When you shop at a farmers market, you know that the produce is fresh and at...
From the MN Grown web site:  www.minnesotagrown.com   Buffalo Farmers Market We have a large selection of locally grown & produced items from 30+ vendors including: produce, honey, eggs, jams, meats, BBQ sauce, yarn, baked goods, dog treats, salsas, plants, crafts, coffee,soaps, popcorn,...
blog-yard-garden-news.extension.umn.edu/2019/07/spotted-wing-drosophila-update-and.html   Authors: Bill Hutchison, Annie Klodd, Eric Burkness, Anh Tran, Dominique Ebbenga & Suzanne Wold-Burkness MN Extension IPM Program, and UMN Extension - Horticulture Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) is...
Crankbaits or live-bait rigs and leeches are turning walleyes on Clearwater Lake, Cedar Lake, Swan Lake, Cocato Lake, and Buffalo Lake in 12 to 18 feet. The weed lines on Indian Lake, Sugar Lake, Lake Sylvia, Maple Lake, Granite Lake, and Clearwater are giving up sunfish and a few crappies....
Look for bigger largemouth bass,sunfish, and crappies on the 10-14 foot weedlines of Clearwater Lake, Pleasant Lake, Sugar Lake, Lake Sylvia, and Maple Lake. Walleyes are being taken with leeches or nightcrawlers on the 12-16 foot weed edges of Buffalo Lake, Clearwater, and Cokato Lake. If using...
A few walleyes are being taken with leeches and minnows on Buffalo Lake, Cokato Lake, and Clearwater Lake in 8 to 15 feet. Sunfish and bass continue to be found along the shorelines and docks of most lakes in less than 6 feet. Look to the 10- to 15-foot weedlines of Lake Sylvia, Sugar Lake,...
University of Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences Waseca, MN 56093-452135838-120th Street 507-835-3620 Fax: 507-835-3622 http://sroc.cfans.umn.edu   CONTACT:  Thomas R. Hoverstad, Scientist SUBJECT:  SOUTHERN RESEARCH &...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313


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