Each year, the Buffalo City Council asks for city residents to serve on advisory boards for the coming years. In 2020, there are positions open on the: Airport Advisory Board, Golf Course Advisory...
Most hunting groups report good success and they're seeing plenting of deer. The very small bays hav eice on them, while the main bodies of most lakes were open or had a thin layer of ice as of...
The air is crisp and clear this fall afternoon, as you make your way out of Buffalo. Overhead, the sky is a spectacular canvas of blue, and the sun is shining in what may be one of the last warm days...
Six members of the Buffalo High School girls swimming and diving team along with an alternate, are on their way to the state tournament in two relays and two individual events after strong...
The competition will be fast and furious this winter for the Buffalo girls’ hockey team.
With the move from the Mississippi 8 to the Lake Conference, this year’s schedule will present challenges that...
A new season always brings new challenges, but the Buffalo High School Dance Team is facing a major challenge with the change to the Lake Conference.
Coach Mary Sansevere knows what the team will be...
November 01, 2019
Plastic tree guards protect young trees
A reminder to all Yard and Garden News readers (and anyone else ) who struggle with animals feeding on your plants during the winter!...
Pumpkin Chiffon Pie
Yield: 8-10 servings
Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 10 min.
Total Time: 1 hour 10 min.
1 - 9 inch baked pie shell
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
I remember the first multiple-page report I wrote in school. The report was to be a biography of a living person, and needed to be handwritten, with a cover page, pictures, and reference index....