Parents want their children to be successful, healthy and happy. That often means providing the best education they can, encouraging quality friendships and being supportive when a child may need some extra guidance. Although there is no magic formula to guide children toward becoming the best...
Americans gather in backyards across the United States in celebration of the nation's independence each July. Festivities often include delicious foods cooked on the grill, music, laughter, and, if there is a pool in the yard, hours of splashing around.
Pools are great places to cool off from the...
Did you know that the average primary flame blowtorch burns at around 2,000 F? USFS National Technology and Development says wildland fires typically burn between 1,600 and 2,000 F. Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, and cast iron also can reach melting points at or slightly below 2,000 F.