This time of year is full of cooler weather, apple orchards and football games. How exciting it is to get back into the kitchen for comfort food cooking and baking!
Take some time to explore some new recipes to add to your weekly menu.
NOTE: If you have a tried-and-true recipe for the holidays,...
YES! The Drummer test kitchen cooks are already planning their cookie trays.
Whether you are baking with a group or alone, now is the time to start planning so you can gather all of the ingredients needed, so you can purchase a bit at a time verses a large purchase at once.
We went through Darlene...
THANK YOU for ALL the wonderful recipes!
There were many that our Drummer Test Kitchen group is excited to try!
We did a random drawing and the winner for the September contest was Christine B. with “Raw Apple Cake.” Keep those recipes coming!
The Drummer Test Kitchen is already starting to think...
It’s not too late to get your name in for this months’ drawing for Darlene Dixon’s “Apple Delights” cookbook!
If you have a favorite recipe to send in - always feel free to add a photo of the dish. (Cell phone photos work great!)
This week we are featuring a few recipes submitted by one of our...
It finally feels like fall!
Kids are back in school, we are experiencing some cooler mornings, local apples are finally ready and all of that leads to a favorite time of year to be in the kitchen.
Enjoy some fall flavors and don’t forget to send in your favorite fall recipe to be included in the...
Back to School!
Hard to believe the summer is over and the kids are back in school. This is a busy time for many families.
This week we are focusing on some simple meals for on the go and quick family meals.
Send in your favorite APPLE RECIPE (or family recipe) for a chance to WIN one...
Darlene Dixon was our recipe column writer for over 30 years. She has shared many recipes over the years in The Journal-Press and The Drummer and has published at least four cookbooks.
We have recently found a small stash of these wonderful cookbooks, and want to share them with you.
Send in your...
It’s State Fair Time!
The Minnesota State Fair started in 1854 as a territorial fair and became the Minnesota State Fair in 1859, a year after Minnesota was granted statehood.
This year, there are over 275 food vendors for the fair. If you are looking to get your fair-food fix, here are a few...
Did you know...
Canning was actually introduced by Nicholas Appert in 1795 as a challenge by Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon offered a reward for whoever could develop a safe, reliable food preservation method for his constantly traveling army.
Canning produce is a great way to enjoy fresh veggies...
“Dog Days of Summer” is slang for the hottest days of summer, and we have definitely seen that in recent weeks.
This is the time of summer when friends and family are sharing the abundance from their gardens. May we always appreciate our time spent tending to and harvesting from our gardens,...